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Mercedes gratuliert bmw1 BMW recently celebrated its th anniversary and guess who decided to shower them with some warm feelings and a congratulations? Mercedes-Benz! The company congratulated BMW via friendly advertisement along with an invitation to their museum.

Mercedes-Benz Give A Brilliant Happy 100th Birthday Gift To BMW

100 Jahre BMW: Mercedes gratuliert | Zum Geburtstag von BMW gratulieren allerlei Mitbewerber. Auch Mercedes schließt sich den Gratulationen mit einem kurzen Video an. Doch kommt die Rivalität auch nicht zu kurz – Sticheleien sei Dank.

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Mercedes Congratulates BMW On Completing 100 Years With This, BMW feierte seinen Geburtstag mit einer besonderen Vision für das nächste Jahrhundert und erhielt unerwartete Glückwünsche von seinem langjährigen Rivalen Mercedes-Benz.

So gratulierte Mercedes BMW zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum In a video distributed by BMW this week on the eve of the retirement of Mercedes’ parent company Daimler’s CEO, Dieter Zetsche, BMW thanks their rival for years of spirited competition and.

Mercedes Congratulates BMW On Completing 100 Years With This,

Mercedes-Benz Give A Brilliant Happy 100th Birthday Gift To BMW Mercedes Congratulates BMW on Years. Mercedes-Benz has congratulated BMW on their centenary with not only a very friendly advertisement, but an invitation to visit their museum.

Mercedes gratuliert bmw4 To congratulate BMW on its th year as an automaker, Mercedes and Porsche have each published print ads with genuinely sincere messages of competitive appreciation. The Mercedes ad features BMW’s signature kidney grille, front and centre, with the message “Thanks for years of competition.

Mercedes Congratulates BMW on 100 Years - Interesting Engineering

Mercedes-Benz Just Congratulated BMW On Completing Years. In the video, Mercedes-Benz first thanks BMW for years of competition and says that first 30 years it spent alone were a bit boring!.

Mercedes gratuliert bmw1 Mercedes-Benz posted a video on Facebook to congratulate its German rival for years of competition. Watch.

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